Sunday, September 14, 2008

A work in progress - my chord progression

Hearing the chord progression I wrote with played in class this week I heard something very different then when I had played it for myself at home. As my piano skills are somewhat underwhelming it was interesting to hear the chords played by someone who knew what they were doing (thanks Mike) and was able to play them evenly. It turns out that my progression has multiple high points in tension, however this is accompanied by a notable decrease in tension in the last few chords. It was also brought to my attention by both my own ears and the feedback from fellow classmates that I used many high tension chords and have room to explore chords of a much lower tension level. In revising my progression I'm planning on moving some chords around and maybe adding a few to take my progression from 12 chords to 13 or 14.

Thats it for now.

1 comment:

Clark Ross said...

Good journal entry. You include the feedback you received and your responses to that feedback, which is exactly what I'm looking for. Keep it up!